Eloise Rees

Eloise Rees

Granddaughter of Edmond pioneer Isaac Rodkey, Eloise Rodkey Rees lived in Edmond nearly her entire life. Her family established the Rodkey Flour Mill, one of the most successful businesses in Edmond for many years.

Eloise earned her master's degree in drama from the University of Oklahoma, where she met her husband, Kenneth W. Rees. A wife and mother, she entertained her family with her talents in song and piano. It wasn't until her two sons were leaving the home that she pursued what would be a successful writing career that would last until her death at age 94. Several of her novels were published and she was pursuing production of her screenplays and original songs.

Mrs. Rees was very engaged in community activities and supported projects at the Edmond Public Schools Foundation, the University of Central Oklahoma and the Edmond Fine Arts Institute. Her work with the Edmond Historical Society focused mainly on the restoration of her family's property, the Rodkey Mill and the Rodkey homestead.

In 2008, Mrs. Rees established an endowment at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation for the benefit of the Edmond Public Schools Foundation and the Eloise Rodkey Rees Writing Award. The annual award is an essay contest open to graduating seniors at all Edmond high schools. Mrs. Rees died in 2012, but her legacy will long be remembered throughout the Edmond community.

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